Sleeping through the night..


I’m asking for help from all the mamas out there, my son is about to be 1 years old on the 27th and he doesn’t sleep through the night at all. He never has, and I need some advice on how to aid him a little more. (Yes we are fully aware babies do what they want on their own time, but I wanna make sure IM doing everything I need to and I’m not smothering him to a point where he doesn’t want to so he can get what he wants.) We have a night time routine that few follow very strictly (unless we’re traveling for the holidays) which is:

5:30 pm dinner

6:30 pm bath time

7:30 pm usually a bottle if he feels like (he usually has an 6oz-80oz bottle just depending on how he feels)

Then he goes to bed around 8-8:30 pm

From there is the crazy part, he wakes up about 4-5 times a night, he only takes one nap a day at daycare for maybe 45 minutes to an hour, which is the pretoddler schedule at his daycare.. Is there anything I can do to help him? We just found out we’re pregnant with baby number two, so waking up so much has been killing my body whenever we all wake up at 5 am (before anyone starts, yes I know I will be waking up a lot more when the second baby comes)