We’re here a month early!


I was expecting a mid January baby but I delivered via c-section on Christmas <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a> afternoon unexpectedly.

I started having searing pain, felt like a knife was cutting me open from just under my right boob down to my right hip flexor. They did an ultrasound and found that my placenta was tearing from the uterine wall and blood was pooling behind it. They didn’t feel safe having me labor with the risk of the blood sac rupturing so I was told at noon that a csection would happen at 3pm 😳😳😳 (my face exactly).

The c section was rough due to my body apparently burning through the spinal tap way faster than most people (within the hour) so I could feel my final set of stitches on the outer layer of skin. So they had to give me some local anesthetic shots right into the incision in order to finish 😫 Then I puked on the poor anesthesiologist 🤦🏽‍♀️

Baby went straight to the NICU because she wasn’t breathing and she still can’t breath in her own. She is all hooked up and doing fine as long as she has the machines for now. They think she’ll be here for a bit since I delivered at 36 weeks, but the nurses are AMAZING and my hospital has a video feed I can log into and watch her!!! I still haven’t been able to touch or hold her and I’ve only gotten to stop by and see her for like 4 minutes 😭 but I know she’s in good hands so I’m trusting in that!

We hope to pick a name tomorrow!

She was 7lbs 4 oz, 19 inches long, and the nurses say she hates being swaddled 😂