First period after D and E



I had a D and E done on November 21. I bled for maybe two weeks and then everything was fine. On Christmas I noticed light bleeding when I peed and wiped but since then it has stopped. I’ve had very little of any real cramps. Could that be my first period or should I expect more bleeding to come soon?

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I'm hoping this is just AF returning for you. I'd definitely keep track of what days and how much you bleed and the symptoms. After my 1st MC, AF returned about 6 weeks later. But after my 2nd MC, there was retained tissue that caused me problems for 5 months until I had another d & c... fingers crossed!


El • Dec 28, 2018


Laura • Dec 28, 2018
Thank you! I’m hoping it’s my period coming back. I just want to be able to start tracking so my husband and I can try again. I’m sorry for your two loses💕