Baby’s first cold... what would you do?


My baby is 3 months. He was born prematurely at 35 weeks.

He started coughing, sneezing and congestion on Tuesday. Have taken his temperature multiple times a day and no fever.

I called the doctor Wednesday, and they said as long as he’s eating, wetting diapers, no fever, and not in respiratory distress, then he didn’t need to come in.

Tuesday into Wednesday and Wednesday into Thursday the cough would wake him from his sleep. Last night he did not wake from sleep to cough.

But he woke up this morning he still has the same symptoms (congestion, cough, sneezes, no fever). He’s happy, still smiles and coos. He is taking extra naps but I’d say it’s appropriate to the symptoms, and when he’s awake he’s awake.

What would you do (including factoring in that it’s Friday)? Wait it out? Bring him in to the doctor? Something else?