Latest ever and negative wth?


Hi folks, 18 months since coming off the pill (was on it for 15yrs). Cycles range from 31 to 44 days. Not trying not preventing but deffo did baby dance around ovulation time.

I’m now 9 days ‘late’ and on cycle day 45. Or at least I think so. Having mild cramps for weeks. Bled a decent amount after fun times with the hubby yesterday which I thought was the start of AF, but it stopped within the hour and had nothing since. Have bled a little after sex before but just put it down to hubbys size.

Boobs are unbearably sore. Had 3 negative tests now. No idea what’s going on and soonest I can get to docs is a fortnight away!

Any advice/ideas would be much appreciated. Wracking my brain over what cube going on, PCOS? Preggers? Hormone imbalance? Stress making me late? No idea!!