Please help. Something bad happened.

Ahri • L-O-V-E <3

I'm 16 years old and I desperately need help. My bf came over tonight and my mother left to go to the grocery store while my bf, 2 younger siblings and I were home. My mother hadn't come home yet and he needed to leave so I walked him to his car but he wanted to go down on me in his car. It was night and as we were in the moment we heard a loud bang on the window and it was my mother. We froze in fear and embarrassment. I got out of the car and she sent him home. When we got inside all she did was ask for my phone and didn't talk to me about what just happened. I have had sex before but only with him. When my mother found out she took my phone and all she did was say that she was "disappointed" in me and that was it. Keep in mind that we never had the "talk" and she never even talked about it to me even when she knew I was having sex. My bf and I swore we would never have sex again until I am 18, however, we decided to just have oral. That was 2 years ago and we never had sex. I have been with this guy for 4 years (it will be 4 on new years) and all we have done was oral. Please. I want to settle this once and for all. We don't want to stop seeing each other but we can't keep allowing our parents to keep thinking that we are both still having sex and not talk to us about our sexual health like they should have. We want to talk to them about this but I have no way of reaching him (im typing this on my laptop). I know it's a lot to ask but could one of you ladies please text him or even call him if you would, just saying: "Ari needs to talk to you ASAP. Get on discord". or something like that. Please. You're not going to get involved I just need someone with a phone to tell him that im here because he doesn't know that I still have Discord. Please. I'm begging you. we just want to figure this out together, not alone. We have had enough of hiding and we want to talk to our parents. Please help me. I will comment his number for someone who will help. Please. Im desperate.