First time OPK user, advice please ❤️

Nicole • 21. TTC #1. 👶🏻 Crazy cat lady🐱 Hair is my passion 💇🏼‍♀️ Family is my life 💑

My depo injection ran out end of August/ beginning of September , been TTC since, Iv tried using numerous of apps before to track whether my period is regular as Iv been on different forms of contraception for 5 years so havnt had a regular period while being on contraception, I kept deleting them and getting fed up as I’m bleeding every 2-3 weeks and quite heavy, i bled for 2 weeks non stop at beguinning of Dec then I started again 5 days ago, it’s stopped today so Iv done my first OPK , I know you need 2 solid lines to show your ovulating but could this result mean I’m due to ovulate in 6 days like the app says? I feel like I’m wasting my time because I’m not regular yet but I’m also sick of doing tests and getting BFN!

I’ll keep testing daily to make sure just wanted to know if anyone has similar experiences and advice ?