
Background story: this is our first baby, we’ve been together for 3 months and I’m 2 months pregnant. We both agreed that we wouldn’t be announcing the pregnancy until after we know the gender. Only a handful of people are to know I’m pregnant. (Yeah right, we live in the south they all talk. But the idea sounds nice lmao.)

So yesterday we go for the ultrasound and the tech says that we can get pictures made of it at Walgreens. My boyfriend wants to go to Walgreens immediately after the appointment (momma was hungry so that’s a no) and get 20 copies made 😳 am I being selfish? Like we made a deal. Can you not give the ultrasound pics (which mind you has all my info on it) to everyone we know? He wanted to give them to family, friends, coworkers. I came here to rant but also, ask, am I being too careful? Im a private person and he clearly isn’t. 😭🤦🏼‍♀️