Scared to tell work in pregannt again.


I go back from maternity leave on Wednesday from having my 11.5 month old (He turns 1 Jan 11th😭😭😭 and this mama is not looking forward to leaving her baby in the care of someone else, knowing I'll be off again in August helps a little but I can't stop crying) anyways I'll be 7 weeks when I go back. Last time I told my manager I was pregnant I believe I was 8-9 weeks. I started working for them December 21st 2016, found out i was pregnant may 1st 2017. And went on leave December 22 2017. And return Jan 2nd 2018 of course 7 weeks pregnant. I have no clue how I'm even going bring it up. And terrified how pissed they are going be as they been bugging me since I went on leave to come back 🤦‍♀️ the also had to move people around So I could go back to my favorite location (I work at subway) I have 31 weeks to get in 600 hours so I'm a bit stressed about that to.

Anyone else in the same boat. And how would you tell your boss your prego again after just returning from having a baby 🤦‍♀️