My boyfriend & I have been dating for 2 years and probably average having sex once a week. But it still hurts me sometimes. I think maybe with my birth control I can’t get wet enough? Also the condoms really hurt. It feels like it’s scrapping the inside of my vagina. So both of those combined make sex pretty rough sometimes. My boyfriend has been away for 2 weeks and I’m surprising him tomorrow with new lingerie & LUBE!!! I’m really excited to try lube. I feel like it might really help with the pain. But honestly, how do you use it? Do you just like massage it onto your vagina like a lotion? Or put it on the condom? And how much should I use each time? Sorry if I sound dumb I just honestly don’t know I’ve never used it before. Also, I’ve been on birth control for almost 2 years and we always pull out, do you think it’d be okay to have sex without a condom? Is it too risky? Please comment advice id really appreciate it!!!

(We’re both 18 btw)