32+ weeks? Baby is to small


I'll start off with saying I have a very high risk Pregnancy, this is my 3rd son and he has a Velamentous cord(Mild)and I'm currently in pre-labor with a dilated Cervix of 1-2cm,with Contractions on a daily basis,so my little man can arrive any day now (he's already in my pelvis and Head down) anyways it means alot to me to know how far along I really am, due to the circumstances and siteration .

I was 3 weeks on June,8th,18 (blood test was taken at a clinic 28 weeks ago.

so there for I should be 31-32 weeks correct?

I've been told by the hospital that I'm delivering at that my due date is 03/14 due to my son's mesurments.

My last check up was on 12/20 and my Dr is saying the baby is mesuring at 28 weeks and 2lbs10oz

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