
Okay so this all started back when I was only a fourth grader. There was this guy and his name was Ashton and I had this bestfriend named Payton. Payton and I were always hanging out and at the time she was dating Ashton. I later on started catching secret feelings for Ashton but i never said or did anything because I could never disrespect her like that, I always thought if I never said it out loud or admitted it myself none of it would be true, I even tried convincing myself that he was just a phase. Ashton and I became best friends as well so Payton, Ashton, and I would always hang out. Ashton broke up with Payton and Ashton and I began to become closer with one another, I enjoyed spending time with him. Sooner or later we started dating at first we didn’t tell Payton because we were scared of hurting her, but she told us that she was completely fine with it. About 6 months later he broke up with me and got back with Payton and this went on for about 2 years back and forth!! It was terrible I knew it was bad for me but he was my everything, my first boyfriend, my first kiss, first hug, first i’ve held hands with, and my first heart break. I moved away about 1 year ago and I am now a Freshman and I live in South Korea. Payton and I were both on the phone and we were having a blast catching up after not seeing each other for 2 years, we talked about Ashton of course, lol. (Payton and I remained best friends throughout the whole back and forth thing) I came to realize I still had feelings for Ashton and so does Payton we both started crying on the phone I realized that I miss him so much and I think I love him, but I can’t he is not good for me. I neeed help you guys!! Should I tell him how I feel? How do I get over someone? How do I move on:(