
I see why some get so frustrated or upset easily when they’re trying hard to have a baby and it seems like nothing is working. I try to have sex often and i am literally just starting to feel like crap. I’ve continued to ask my partner if they really want a baby and they keep saying yes and how they can’t wait etc. Well for the past few days I’ve been ovulating so I’m trying my best to have sex while I am. But he came down with a really bad cold and I’ve been taking care of him. We tried having sex but he just can’t finish and I told him it’s okay he’s sick he’s not feeling well. But he insists on having sex, he says he’s horny. This is like the fourth day we have had sex and he cant finish. And we try twice a day and he just can’t. I know it’s not his fault, he’s sick he needs to feel better. But today I just got to a point where I was just like I’m not in the mood to keep trying to have sex (would’ve been the third time today we tried) he can’t even get hard. And the more he tries to get hard or tries to finish I just get more and more sad and begin to cry. I over think a lot. But I’m not going to stop trying unless he tells me he doesn’t want to. I just want to make sure he feels better first. I just hate the fact I over think so much I begin to get super insecure and feel like there’s something wrong with me.