Cycle, Period, Aunt Flow.

Porshaa 🎀

I have always said “why did <a href="">Eve</a> have to bite the apple” regarding to us having periods. It’s a love hate thing honestly, I dislike seeing aunt flow, but ik im not ready for a baby yet. I want one, ik its a lot that goes with it gd. But ik God will bless me when the time is right It’s our bodies cleansing itself, I have been tampon free for 6 months, I’ve always say pads feel like a pool of blood but it’s healthier for my body so anything good for my wellbeing I’m all ears & then some.. My point to this post is that I’m on my period now & I’m in one of the moods 🤣 let me know what y’all think ladies about periods..? 🤔