Where do you think I stand with this guy?

So I’m kinda conflicted on where I stand with this guy

So we met thru a friend and got each others numbers and stuff and started talking before we made plans to hangout

This is BEFORE we hung out

He texted my friend saying he likes me and says I’m so sweet and nice

He tells me I’m really cute

He told me that he wants to cuddle and watch movies with me and give me kisses

He tells me he wants to take me to hockey and basketball games

We always text each other good morning & goodnight and ask how the other’s days went

We also text each other with hearts/ kisses faces, the flirting was very strong lol

Before we even hung out I was telling him that we should go bowling with my friends who are a couple and he’d said he would love to do that

He kept telling me how excited he was to see me

THEN we hung out

He was wearing so much cologne 😂

We watched movies & YouTube videos and cuddled and made out a bit

He was kinda grabbing my ass & boobs when we made out but tbh I liked it

We kinda fell asleep on each other

When he was holding me he said something like “I just wanna hold/hug you forever” idk the exact words cuz I didn’t hear him properly

Before I left he was telling me how he definitely wants to hangout again soon and that he had a good time

I also brought him homemade cookies when I went over (bc I’m awesome like that) and he said they were so good and he already ate like half and his family loved them and that I didn’t have to bring anything


I also texted him saying he was my first kiss and apologized if I was a bit awk😂 and he was very sweet about it also like when I told him I’m hard of hearing he didn’t mind it at all

Tonight I asked him what his plans were and mine got cancelled last minute and he said he wish he could invite me but couldn’t cuz it was a sleepover (but Idk if it was at a girl or guys house)

Ik we’ve only been on one date and everyone said it seems like he likes me but there are just some things that kinda have me confused

Like when we were hanging out he took out his phone a couple times where I could see it so i guess that means he has nothing to hide but he also was liking a few girls pictures

When he hangs out with his swim friends some which are girls I can’t help but wonder if he’s going to hookup with them too or if he’s texting other girls the way he texts me

He said he’s only been in 2 relationships though, and his last one was like 6+ months ago

It’s just hard cuz he lives like a half hour away from me so we can’t see each other as much as desired

& sometimes when we text I just draw a blank about what to talk about, like I really wanna get to know him more, I do like him

Like I kinda just wanna know if it’s gonna go somewhere like a relationship or just gonna be a hookup thing, I wouldn’t mind either but it just seems hard to tell a little bit since it’s so soon

And also if we were gonna pursue a relationship idk how long it would last cuz he’s a senior and I’m a junior

But I’m gonna try very hard to be positive about this and not let my fears override me :))

What are your opinions??

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