Game over this month?

Hello all,

Did a test yesterday morning (think I was 11 DPO but not started using OPKs - starting them next month if necessary) and it was negative.

I’m due on Thursday but my period is always a bit odd - TMI - I tend to get spotting for a day, then a sudden gush of a lot of bright red blood, then spotting for another day or so and then a full blown period for about three days.

Because of this spotting I always think I’ve implanted every month then it turns out I haven’t and it’s such an emotional rollercoaster.

I’ve had the worst sore boobs this month (they do it normally but had calmed down last month, now back with a vengeance) and I’m so so tired compared to usual, but not sure if it’s Christmas and the cold I’ve had that have done that to me.

I noticed today there’s the tiniest bit of dark drown blood, barely even there, when I wipe. What does that mean? Do you think that’s game over and AF is rearing it’s ugly head? Or is there still hope? As I say, this is a couple of days early but not out of the realms of “normal” for my cycle time wise, and I do feel like my PMT symptoms (identical to pregnancy symptoms every month) came on early this month. Thank you all in advance. Xxx