

Hi all,

I’m just looking for others who may have experienced the same thing and what the outcome was. I did <a href="">IVF</a> and I’m going to be 7 weeks pregnant tomorrow, At exactly 6 weeks pregnant I started to bleed, which turned into spotting, dr said everything was fine HCG levels were still great which was a relief.

Then yesterday at 6 weeks and 5 days I started bleeding again and it seemed to be a lot, to the point where it looked like it was pouring out of me while I was on the toilet (sorry tmi) I was worried so I went back to the hospital and waited 5.5 hours for results. While I was waiting for the dr I went to the washroom and passed a large blood clot (I thought the size of a gold ball) that I thought was the fetus I couldn’t stop crying, however when the dr came in he stated my beta test was perfect and did an ultrasound and the baby was still there with a heartbeat. I’m spotting today with a little bit of cramping but I’m scared to do anything because I don’t want to start bleeding more.

Has anyone else experienced anything like this before ? Thanks in advance