My crush! Story starts on 12/31/18 at 6pm



need advice on what to do....

Guys i need your help... i (f16) like this guy his name is luke (m17) (L)... We are friends his parents are friend with my parents, and last night (new years <a href="">eve</a> night) we hung out with his friends. So when they left (his friends and mine) so we bonded like played 21 questions and stuff... and he isn’t a virgin lost it to his ex who he is still in contact with today....

but I’m getting off track (not good of a writer) i liked him for like ever but all of his friends mess with me about how he likes me but they also said he wouldn’t f*** with me whatever that means.... bet when we were in the room by ourselves while our friends went to go get weed.... (we both hate it and wouldn’t touch it) we played 21 questions and we both have a lot in common fave color animals... etc. so he convinced me to watch Bird Box.(BB).. He knows i hate horror movies... but we were chilling with our friend HB (m15)(he bought weed) and i didn’t have a pillow... HB took it... so i told L i was using him as a pillow he said ight.” with a blanket on him so i did the tracing thing with your finger like did shapes on his back.. and he said “well if your going to do that do it on my skin” so he pulled the blanket down and showed his back (GIRLS HE GOT MUSCLES FOR DAYS!) so i did while watching BB and i wasn’t paying attention (cause how could i with a hunk of a man) so he like “yelled” at me to pay attention so he said “I’m going to flip on my back now” so i said ok.. (girls he has like high school musical Zach Efron abs) and I accidentally touched his ya know thing with my arm while i was tracing his body with my finger like i did on his back and he wasn’t at all paying attention to the movie ((he was a little but distracted by something i did that he was hard down there...) and i was turnt!) but he was staring at me... well i think he was facing my way and the tv was the other way... but we cant date cause that will break up the friend group or whatever...

Like when we were playing 21 questions he asked about my sex life and stuff like that... but he also said can i touch one of your boobs?? Then when i gave him this look 🤨 he said I’m kidding... but i don’t think it was... and while we were alone and before the boys left HB said now guys theres condoms there so use one and winked at L... and then L asked me about it later... but he knew my stance on sex( not unless we’ve been dating for like 5-6months)

But when we were leaving i asked him if he wanted to finish our movie today 1/1/19 but he said he’s going to his nans, then to the mall, then to his exes to hang out with her and their friends.... i don’t know what to do

