Tell me it gets easier

My little guy is a week old and only stays latched when I use a nipple shield. Nursing is so hard. Waking up to feed him and just begging he’ll stay awake long enough to get satisfied so I can go back to sleep for an hour is hard. I didn’t know breastfeeding was such a mountain. I cry when I think about feeding him and how I am so physically exhausted as it is.

Please tell me it gets easier, give me some hope.

Tell me that if I can just make it to a certain goal I will be ok. I don’t know if I can keep breastfeeding but I know that if we did formula it would still require waking up, bottle cleaning, and a whole new challenge there. Maybe it’s because we’re only a week PP but I could just really use some encouragement, some success stories, someone telling me we’ll make it.