Virginity? im scared? Plz help


Um so uh... Its like 1 am n i was talking to my boyfriend. Im 15 turning 16 next month. Hes 17 turning 18 in july. Im sO fucking scared tbh. Uh so we were playing around on a video game n i said he sucks n eats ass... Long story short we got to the topic of virginity. He knew that im a virgin, but i just found out that he isnt. Umm so on top of that. I found out that he has a body count of "3 technically 4, but i count 3" like tf does that mean. Im SO fucking scared bc like... I dont know AnYtHInG... We talked about how its too early in the relationship for sex bc i wanted to take things slow. Uh but im fuckin nervous as hell. Like how tf am i supposed to act? Should i be worried? He said he gon "teach me" like bitch... Do i like this? Do i not? Should i keep telling him to eat my ass jokingly, or is that foreplay (is that actually foreplay like idk)? How am i supposed to feel about this? Like... Idk man... My stomach is going off. Im honestly nervous, turned on, scared, n shocked all at once. Wtf is wrong with me?

But as for rn im still a holy eggroll :,)

Thanks for coming to my ted talk n reading through my dumbass confusion.