VBAC? Help me out please


Is a VBAC possible after only a year? Can someone point me in the direction of research for them. I had my cesarean after 5 days early labour and then I was in hospital for three days where they tried some weird gel heaps of times to make me dilate but I only got to 2cm with still irregular contractions so they decided to break my waters and induce the contractions, my contractions got stronger and stronger but after 18 hours I still only got to 4cm so they made me have a cesarean, he wasn't in danger and baby was still very happy they just said it was taking too long even though I've seen women in active labour for longer? . They told me I'd be able to try for a normal birth and it doesn't mean I won't be able to give birth naturally, I kinda believe if I didn't cave and get an epidural and just let myself feel then maybe I would've dilated properly but afterwards they told me he did turn his head while I was in labour and he probably would've never got out of there alone. Has anyone had this happen and had a successful VBAC?