Baby Boy Name.

Amanda • 🌈09-08-2017🌈 Baby Leo April 25, 2019 💙

Anyone else STRUGGLING to pick out a name?

I am about to be 23 weeks with a baby boy.

I have searched so many websites trying to come up with a name. Some that I like, my fiance hates. He is picky. Hell, it was hard to come up with a dog name.

So, its worse with a baby.

He doesn’t like any name I pick out.

I mentioned I want him to have his middle name as his middle name as well.. which is Jordan.

But, he isn’t too fond of it.

I am going crazy.

ANY NAME SUGGESTIONS WILL BE APPRECIATED! Even if im not the biggest fan.. I will literally appreciate them all.

I want to name him so badly..

Trying to avoid naming him last minute.

Thank yooou