Help with routine.

I really starting to struggle with my baby's routine. She's Just turned 1 and has been on a similar routine since she was around 5/6 Months. But she's started changing her sleeping pattern and I'm struggling how to work it.

Her old routine was

Wake 7:30am and milk, Breakfast around 9 and first nap at 10am until 11am, lunch at 12pm second nap at 2:30pm until 4pm and second bottle of milk then dinner at 5/5:30pm bath at 7pm then last bottle of milk and back asleep by 7:30pm until 7:30 am.

Now shes not waking until 8:30/9am, Breakfast at 10am nap at 11am but sleeping only until 12/12:30pm and then lunch when she wakes, milk at 3pm (She doesn't want to drop this yet) dinner at 5pm and back to bed for 7:30pm.

But I don't know if to put her back down for a nap at around 2:30pm after her first nap at 11am if she only sleeps for 60-90 mins as by time 3:30/4pm comes around she's so mardy and clingy and seems tired. I just don't know how to work it I've tried asking friends/family even my partner but none of them seem interested to give me any advice. My mum just says that she doesn't need routine she will tell me what she wants when she wants but I don't like that lifestyle I need to know when things happen then I can plan my day around her routine and nap times. It's just irritating because I feel bad to keep her awake from around 12:30pm right through until 7pm When we start her bedtime routine I don't want to put her to bed earlier as this time suits our family and has worked since she was tiny and I'm secretly loving not having to get up until 8:30/9am.

So basically I would just like some advice on nap times like how many and how long each? If any of you could help me I would be extremely grateful, I'm just experimenting everyday and I don't want to confuse her.

Thank you, and sorry for the long post