Family not excited about baby #2


Soooo after making such a big deal to my husband about wanting to keep our second pregnancy a secret until well after 20 weeks ( both of our families were completely obnoxious, overbearing and added way too much stress to my already stressful first pregnancy) I had a change of heart on Christmas <a href="">Eve</a>. I don’t know why but I felt like it would be such a special surprise to tell our families on Christmas Day at 8 weeks. My parents were happy but no big reaction and excitement which is fine lol I guess I just i just wanted them to be as excited as we were BUT MY HUSBANDS MOTHER is another story. No facial expression no congratulations just an “oh... wow ok” and nothing more. Definitely discouraging and made us both feel awkward and silly for being so excited. Now I don’t want to tell a soul until the baby is born lol.