Need Advice! Crazy 1 Year Old!


So I used to have 2 cats, a boy and a girl, but unfortunately the boy went missing so now the girl was left.

We then had the opportunity to rescue a kitten, who is now 1 year old and a big cat! He got neutered when he was supposed to (a few months old), and is now a crazy teenage cat.

Unfortunately this 1 year old is being a right pain to my girl cat (who is 5 years old). He chases on her, stalks her, and puts his arm round her back. This is bad because he is a lot stronger and bigger than the girl.

My dad thinks he is trying to mate with her, can this be? I don’t think he is because he was neutered, and I’ve never seen him climb on her back in that sort of way or go for her neck, though that’s what my dad says he sees.

So any thoughts? Is this playing or possibly attempted mating? My old boy cat never did this to her. And out of her and this one year old, she is the dominant one (who is not up for playing, but you can see it’s difficult for her to tolerate the physical aspect of dominance).
