Diastasis Recti help.


I had twins almost a year ago. I'm on my weight loss journey and have lost a little over 20 pounds of my 35 pound goal but my stomach still looks pregnant. The rest of my body is losing proportionally and I am technically smaller in size but I can't seem to wear smaller sizes in shirts or pants because of my belly. It makes me very self conscious in clothes and I'm really uncomfortable with how I look, even though I've lost the majority of the weight I wanted to. I researched and realized I have diastasis recti and honestly probably had it after my first born but didn't realize. I've looked at videos of exericizes to do and even asked my husband to ask his trainer (my husband is training for a body building competition so they both know a lot about muscles and how to grow, shrink, etc them) but his trainer seems to believe the only real way to correct it seems to be through surgery. I haven't started the exercises yet, but I just wanted to get some advice or tips from anyone who has it. Did exercise help? Did it not? Did you need surgery to correct? I did the test to see if I had it and I could fit 3 to 4 fingers in between the muscles so I know it might be more on the severe side. Thanks in advance guys!