Induction at 41 weeks


Went for my 40-week checkup this morning. Cervix is 70% softened (same as my 38-week checkup), not dilated. I’ve gained 5 pounds in 2 weeks. Had lot of headaches, my face & limbs are puffy now - never had any of these symptoms until the last 2 weeks. My blood pressure is still good, there’s enough fluid in there & baby’s heart rate is in the 150s. Looks like she’s not coming in her own so I’m schedule for induction on 01/10. If you go by my LMP I’ll actually be 42 weeks on 01/10, not 41 weeks. They decided to calculate due date based on the date I conceived. Anyway - hoping baby girl decides to come on her own before then. I’ve tried everything - long daily walks, prenatal yoga, spicy food, birth ball, etc. hoping my girl is healthy & safe & comes soon! Anyone have luck going into labor on their own with a quick progression?