Am i right to be upset


So me and my husband have tryed to do it twice and he couldnt perform. At first i thought it was me im very pregnant due in 17 days. But he said its stress. Paying bills and affording diapers and all we need for pur son ( we dont have a lot for him). So me and my husband got it figured out and we were fine again. Well then we went to his parents and they were complaining about my SO s cousin( she posts a lot of pictures that are very revealing) any way his mom made a comment she wouldn't post pictures of his dad like that on fb. I chuckled because it was getting a bit awkward. His dad looked at me and said" what not like you look good in the state your in." I immediately felt like shit because of the problems me and my husband had been having and then out of no where i get that. Made me feel 10 times worse.

I told my husband about it. He got upset and said he would talk to him. Im not sure if he should or if we should just leave it ( this isnt the first time his dads made rude comments to me)