Dumped 😞


A lil back up story: I knew this guy for like 8 years. We started the same high school same age different grade. I’m a junior he is a senior. We started talking Jan 2018 and it was all fun and games just two teens. In August I told him about the feelings I had and he admitted he had them too but he was afraid of his dad. So I kept them down and just stayed friends with him but we really couldn’t stay away from each other. November came around and he and I started to “officially” talk. We talked like we were together. We texted all the time, we talked on the phone, kissed a bit (not my first time).

I went to my friends house and she didn’t know me and him was still talking bc the last time I seen her I said he was a bitch. So she showed his snap story and it’s a pic of what’s looks like to be a girls ass. So I didn’t say anything and ignored it. I was just gonna ignore him and break it off. But then he texted me saying wyd and I just said “nun”. And he knew sum was up and was like what’s wrong. So asked him who the girl was and he told me a whole story. But yesterday night he texted me and was saying how he was tired from work and he was going to sleep. Yet and hour later he has her posted. So I told him that wasn’t the point the point was u lied and tried to cover it instead if telling me. The girl was supposedly a family friend and something happened and she stayed over, but why was he so close to her. So I ended things. I deleted messages and all that stuff.

I realize that he was just another guy but I’m really heart broken. I really did love him and all that stuff. I stuck up for him when others told me he was an ass and look where that got me. I’m not like those other skinny girls with nice bodies, I had fat in places I wish I didn’t. I have a feeling it’s because I wouldn’t have sexual with him.