Just a reminder

I want all of the laides TTC their rainbows this year to take the time to read this reminder.As a mom who lost her triplets,I know how devastating it is to lose babies.Just never lose hope and never think your journey as a mama ended with that MC or SB.Remember,it is another journey that you are about to take,and you will be rewarded for the time you waited to be able to conceive.You are a powerful woman,that is about to take the pregnancy in her arms and embrace the new story that begun with it.

If you have trouble conceiving,you have all my spare baby dust.And never think that you are alone on this story.Your rainbow may take his time but his journey will remind us one day how gratefull we were after having them.

The days will pass,and you will feel better.Enjoy every minute of every day,and every day of every week and soon,you will realise how days had passed,and,after all,you were strong and kept going.

You are a champion,and you can do it.Your day will come.
