Stiiiiiiicky bean I'm in love


Well I have been so nervous since I found out I was pregnant due to my chemical pregnancy in November. Well I was even more nervous having to wait until next week to get an ultrasound to confirm baby is growing so I called around all day yesterday looking for some baby ultrasound place to c if they would be able to do my ultrasound scan so early at only 5 weeks 5 days today I found a select few well just 3 and I scheduled an appt with 1 but she was an hour away and its storming today's and flooding. So I called the other ultrasound place and she said she could take me today at 1145. So I went in she reminded me that I might not c anything because my dates might be off but we tracked ovulation and the doc confirmed my gestational age last week at 4 weeks 4 days last Wednesday so I had no doubt. Well everything went perfect she had to do a transvaginal and there was baby growing away heart beating away. I got to hear its little heart beat and see it she told me that the baby measured right on the dot 5 weeks 5 days. She also told me the heart was beating and strong and very very good for gestational age. I'm soooooo happy and finally at peace ready to know the gender now.