Dietary question


I need dietary help but first a bit of back story to understand my struggle.

•With my first (12 years ago) I couldn't breastfeed due to inexperience, inverted nipples, teething from birth (first tooth cut at 1 month), and latching issues.

•With my second (3 years ago) it took less then 24 hours for my milk to come in and my baby actually gained weight in the hospital but, we only made it 6 months because of work schedule and not responding well to the pump.

•With baby #3 I want to get it right and breastfeed as long as possible,12-18months. I have the luxury of taking the rest of the school year off so I will have 2 months plus summer to exclusively breastfeed (almost 5 months)

My question is what should I be eating to maximize my supply?

I know I need to increase healthy fats so baby gains properly. So eating avocados, fish, nuts, and olive/coconut oils are a must. I also know oatmeal is great for a healthy supply but....that's really all I got at this point.

So please help! What do I need to eat while breastfeeding? Also, what can I do now (beginning of 3rd trimester) to help prepare for a strong supply of nutrient rich milk?