Healthy and active... but weight gain got me feeling like 😖

So I had my 30 week checkup today with my OBGYN.

Backstory info: My lifestyle is very active- my husband and I are very fit and health conscious. At 8 weeks, and 5ft5in tall, I weighed 123 lbs and still had definition in my abdominal area (not abs, but abdominal “lines”).

Since then, I have continued to stay active and eat clean and healthy. All of my “weight” looks to only be in my Baby bump- my face is still slim, and arms and legs are still measuring the same.

Today at my checkup I weighed in at 149 lbs. Doctor says it’s fine and nothing to worry about, but I know that for my weight and height I am recommended to gain 25-35 lbs.

I am struggling because that number is scary... I am staying healthy and active and am already gaining closer to the higher end of the recommended max, and still have 9.5 weeks to go. Wanting to be healthy for baby... feeling defeated a bit defeated... 😔

Any other very active/healthy moms have this experience too? Please share your story and what your post delivery was like!

Cross posted, because... help! Lol.