Preterm labor scare


I'll start out by saying this is my second baby so I know all about BH vs regular contractions and other labor signs.

Monday morning I woke up and was suddenly in so much pain down there that I cried when I wiped in the bathroom and sitting was horrendous. I also had so much pressure suddenly that I could only describe as everything trying to fall out of me. Starting Tuesday my BH were more frequent and every so often I'd get one that felt very similar to the early contractions of my labor with my son but they stayed very irregular. I tried to brush it off but my husband and MIL put enough doubt in my head that I called my OB and they said if it hadn't gotten better to come in today (unless it got worse then go to the womens suite). Hours of waiting later and he said my cervix is still hard and closed. Thank goodness. But he also kept repeating about preterm labor and what I need to watch out for so I'm still a little worried.

Anybody else dealing with contractions or anything like this?