Anyone else?


Ok so my flow has always been fairly regular. Maybe a day or two off most months. I have two children (one in 2013 and one in 2015) and since having them my cycles are everywhere! Yes... I’ve been to my OB for it countless times. Sometimes I have two periods in one month sometimes my cycle is three weeks late and I have horrid symptoms. Cramps for days... moody as a witch... sore breast and lovely acne. I’ve never had PMS symptoms ever until children. Now I am ttc my third and final baby. I can’t even track my cycle because it’s so insanely unpredictable. Docs have nothing to say but I have an irregular flow. Everything looks normal and I may on occasion have a cyst on my OVs which explains the painful cramps I get sometimes. I didn’t try with my other two pregnancies. They were beautiful surprises. I got off the patch in April and had an early miscarriage in July 😢 and since then nothing. Anyone else have this issue where their cycles randomly went crazy? Is there even a way to regulate it or track it? Love my OB but she isn’t giving me any options at all. Thanks !!!