Wish me luck please!


Okay ladies (and gentlemen?), today I have decided that i am going to lose my weight. I am currently 174 pounds on a 5'5 frame. No bueno. Some backstory. Back in 2016 I was in a really unhealthy relationship. He was verbally, mentally, and physically abusive. When we first got together, I was no more than 140 pounds. Not where I wanted to be, but I wasn't where I am now. Fast forward almost a year and I ended up at 192 pounds. I found it very hard to even bend over to tie my shoes, I was so winded even just walking across the house. So I decided to end that terrible relationship and get healthy. Well as a month passed, I swore off bread, tortillas, pasta, soda, and sweets. Everything I deemed bad for me. I ended up at 173 pounds. Well I began a relationship with my best friend and he tries his hardest to motivate me but he also makes it hard to want to stay on a clean diet lol. Well for a little while I was down to 165 pounds. I was doing regular cardio, eating good, and just making myself not stress. Then the holidays came around. Got right back up to 174 and now I'm super determined to get it all off. I want to be at 120 by the time July rolls around so I can actually be comfortable in my own skin and gain some confidence. So obviously I have a ways to go. And I refuse to let anything stand in my way this time.