I feel like I am....

I’m due to have my period today and I had sex a few days before estimated ovulation date (according to glow). Over the past few days I have had the WORST nausea causing me to gag. I have had incredible heartburn and the most painful back pains I have ever had. I have been so sluggish and sleepy for the past week or so and often find myself napping every other day. I have been running back and forth from the bathroom constantly due to needing to pee and feeling the urge to vomit. I have eaten so much more than usual and have had cravings for things that I never ever eat. It’s been so weird 😩

None of these are my usual pms symptoms so it’s really really odd.

I’m feeling pregnant but I’m not sure and I wanna wait until I’m a few days late (if I am) before I test...