I cheated on my husband and ...

Alright so I know what I did was wrong to start with but I am in love with the person I cheated on him with and I feel like telling my husband the truth !

My husband and I been high school sweethearts , at the time he was sweet and I loved him so we married once I turned 18 , also when I was 19 we had a daughter and that is when problems started ! He showed me his true colors , he wanted me to abort and I did not abort the child , we stayed together and he doesn't do dishes , doesn't help me around the house , never wants to change the baby diaper . Now the baby is one and I can count on my fingers how many times he helped me ! And his reasoning for treating me like a slave and let me do everything around the house was because he pays all the bills and I don't work ! Now let me remind y'all I am not working because he refuses to pay for a baby sitter , and he himself said I can go and work if I want but there is no point if all my money is gonna go towards a babysitter LOL ... So of course fights started , and he decided to be verbally and physically abusive on top of all , and of course he shamed me by throwing my things out the door ! So I realized I needed a new begnning and let me tell yall I cheated on him for months with a man that knows I have a daughter and treats me well and sucks my pussy like nobody else ! He is good in bed , good looking not crazy and insane in the head and he never hit me or threw me to the ground and said I deserved to die in the snow like the father of my daughter did ! This man is a angel and no doubts a blessing ! And he cooks and helps me with dishes ! So here is the question ladies ? In my position and yes I know some of u woman are going to judge me and say that what I did was wrong but please put yourselves in my shoes if the man u loved treated u this badly would u tell him the truth and leave with the man that treats u like a queen or stay and suffer for your little one ? Because this is all I been doing I stayed this long because I don't want my one year old to suffer without seeing her dad but her dad is a jerk and I know it will be unhealthy for her to see her dad hitting me and abusing me daily it can become traumatizing . So what yall would do ? BtW the guy I cheated with asked me in marriage and he is buying a house and said he is willing to help me move out of this situation and start a life with him .