How would you approach this!?

A guy I have been seeing for almost 2.5 months now and i have great chemistry, everything just seems to click naturally and we enjoy spending time with one another. The one thing I’m struggling with and I know it could be because he has a guard up or whatever since it’s early on is that in between our dates/hangouts, we may only send a handful of messages back and forth between one another, (let me add, we both initiate and plan dates) going maybe like five days in between no communication. I know the phone works both ways and such but he’ll end his message like see you next whatever day! I don’t want to come off clingy or anything and know I need to say something. Because this next time we will see one another is ten days from the last hangout. I know he isn’t seeing or talking or dating anyone elae..he told me he wasn’t so what would be the best way to approach it