Such a child!

So I had just gotten off work and my co worker "E"(girl) was waiting for me in the parking lot to talk about her boy problem. So we sat in her car talking about her crush and how she should go about it. She got off at 8 and I got off at 10 so she's been waiting to talk to me for 2 hours so obviously I'm not just gonna blow her off, that would be rude. So anyways, we talked for 20 mins and my husband calls asking where am I. So I told him that I was talking with "E". I could tell straight off the bat he was upset and he hung up on me. I brushed it off because there are times where he would go out for drinks right after work with his co workers who he talks about to me. I figured ill just end this soon so I can go home. Another 15 mins goes by and he calls again asking am I home. I said no but I'll be home soon. Once again he hangs up on this point I know he's mad and I'm getting pissed. I end the conversation with "it's really late I should really be going" and leaves. I call him and he ends the calls. I text him and no reply. I call again and nothing. I get home, all the lights are off. The bedroom door is locked. How childish is this. I unlock it and he had put the laundry bucket full of clothes in front of the door to prevent me from going in. Now I'm mad. I go in and stares at him cuz I know he can hear me. I wanted to yell at him and ask him why he was acting like that but our 4 year old was sleeping next to him. I turned away heading towards the bathroom to shower only to find out that it's locked. I thought maybe my brother in law was in the bathroom. So I waited and waited then I heard him in his room. How spiteful of him to lock the bedroom door and bathroom door because I stayed behind after work to talk to a co worker. This is my first time doing this. It's not a usual thing that I stay behind. I was a stay at home mom for 3 years. Had no social life, no friends. Just me and my baby 24/7. When I finally went back to working and started socializing again he said he was happy that I was socializing again and had people to talk to. I'm just so frustrated with him and how he is.