

So I was suppose to start my period yesterday. I took at test at 5:50am and it was negative then i went back to bed and when I got up at 9:30am I took another test this one was clearly positive it was faint but you could definitely see it even my bestfriend said she could see it. Yesterday I had a pelvic exam done and she said everything looked great and no signs my period was going to start. So yay maybe my postive is actually a positive and not a third chemical pregancy. So this morning I got up at 2:30ish am to pee I didnt test. When I woke up at 7:30 I peed and took 2 test both look negative. Went back to bed a f got up at 10:15am took another test and still negative 😥 Is this just another chemical pregnacy? I still have no symptoms my period is going to start. I haven't been feeling well all week. My lower back is killing me and I get very nauseous after I eat. And killer headache almost everyday. I do have a dull stabbing pain sometimes in the vigina area. But not cramps. Please any feedback would be great!