Just need to get all this off my chest

🎠A🎠 • Wife💍, mom 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 to three beautiful girls 👧🏼👧🏽👶🏽, one baby in heaven👼🏼, follower of Jesus ✝️

First off: I’m not even that upset. I am more just wondering what else will go wrong during this pregnancy. So, with my first I had 0 complications. I delivered at 39+4 without an induction. It was lovely.

Welcome to my second pregnancy disaster: I was planning to deliver at a small low-key birth center with my midwife. Fast forward to 6 months pregnant— I am diagnosed with gestational diabetes. Okay, I’m told, “no big deal, we just have to have you see an OB/GYN also. But you’ll still be able to deliver where and how you want.” Hours after I’m told this I’m told by the OB/GYN that I probably have type 2 diabetes and that I have to have all my medical care transferred to maternal fetal medicine and that I’m high risk. Basically, the staff at the new facility overreacted in the worst way imaginable without having ever met me.

On the morning of my first appointment with my new medical team, our car is totaled in a single driver accident while sitting in our parking space at our apartment complex. I have to have a friend come pick me and my daughter up to go to my appointment. We are now car-less. We begin car shopping immediately. My husband has to take a ridiculous amount of time to off from work to help me car shop, which means that our single income family is on an even tighter budget. His boss was so understanding though and even loaned him the work vehicle for a month, so that was a huge blessing.

The day before Thanksgiving we are about to leave the state in our vehicle we purchased less than two weeks before and something in the gear shift linkage breaks. So, we cancel our plans and have our car towed to the shop. Turns out it was an easy and inexpensive fix, so that's a blessing also, it just didn't go how we thought. Which is the theme of this pregnancy, I guess.

At my next appointment my doctor tells me he wants to give my baby a non-stress test. I'd never done one and I was worried after having failed the blood glucose test so horribly. So, my blood pressure was elevated. They took it again and it was down within range. I was just nervous. Well, my doctor tells me that I'm hypertensive and we need to induce at 37 weeks on Christmas <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">eve</a> even though I tell him that I'm pretty sure it was my nerves. I cry but make plans for my family to come up for Christmas. By the next week my blood pressure is well controlled and they hesitantly keep the induction. A week before Christmas, I'm told that my BP is great and there's no medical reason to have the induction. (Could have called that one, doc.)

So we cancel the induction and spend Christmas together just the three of us. It was nice, we just missed Gram and Grandpa. The next day, I landed in the hospital at 5am after having an allergic reaction to an unknown allergen. I was released after 6 hours with no side effects other than swelling and vomiting. 😳

I am scheduled be induced at 39 weeks on the 7th. My parents had plans to be here the night of the 5th (Tonight) at 11:30. Well, I just got off the phone with my dad. Their plane was delayed and they missed their connection and will not arrive until tomorrow at 11:30pm. I am scheduled to begin the induction at 7am on Monday.

I just want to be done with doctors and this pregnancy. 😫😳 I am not even mad. I understand that these things happen and the main blessing is that my daughter has been so healthy and growing right on target (not too big, not too small) and we really have very little risk of developing complications during birth. I'm more just upset that if it has been calm for a second, something happens. I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop. 😕 I know there will be something else before she gets here. I just know it. 🤷🏽‍♀️

Okay, I feel better having recorded all this. Maybe I'll use it as blackmail once my daughter is old enough to understand what I went through while carrying her. I love her to death and am so excited for her to be here. I'm also just done being pregnant this time around. 🙄