Not really into sex right now. TMI/need advice. 🤨

I’m pregnant and almost in my third trimester. My sex drive has decreased a lot but my S/O’s hasn’t and he has said he is deprived a few times. Mostly in a joking way but I just don’t really want to have sex. It doesn’t really feel good right now and it’s more like a chore than something to have pleasure in. I feel bad because I want him to be pleased but the last time we had sex a week or so ago I just wasn’t into it and faked it. I think he is slowly realizing I’m not in the mood but he has made a few sly remarks about it and it makes me feel bad but I just don’t wanna /: I know he cums the fastest in the mornings like legit it’ll be 2 minutes sometimes. So I was thinking of just letting him get sex in then and me being free of having to really participate but idk if that’s really fair to him even tho I know he just wants to please himself. We are both 22 and I’m only his 3rd girlfriend/girl he has had sex with. And he is my 16th 😅 but I normally have a high sex drive but damn, I’m pregnant and sore everywhere. My stomach was flat and now it’s not and I feel our baby kicking all the time. I feel more weird about it than anything I think. He still gets turned on by my body and I love him for it.

Is there anything I can do to turn myself on so he can get some real action? He is super attractive and fit and tries to eat me out and do foreplay but it’s so hard for me right now to like it😅😅😅😅