Should I see the doctor about my Irregular Period?


Hey guys! I am 18 and have always had really irregular periods but I’ve been noticing that they have gotten worse within the last year. When I calculated the usual time between my periods it ranges anywhere from 42 - 50 days in between. I recently started having sex two months ago and I had an 12 day period in the month of December. My periods are usually around 6-9 days long but sometimes I bleed for a lot longer. I’ve tried telling my mom that my cycles don’t feel regular and that I should see a doctor to talk about potential birth control options but she always blows me off and tells me it’s probably just weight loss or stress (I am only about 95 lbs because I have IBS which causes my weight to fluctuate slightly). I also get severe cramps the first couple of days of my period and bleed heavily with a lot of clots. Do you guys think I should go to the doctor to discuss my options? My mom doesn’t believe that I have period issues, but i definitely feel that I do. Any advice on how to get through to my mom because she is not taking my concerns seriously? Thank you!