Please help! 🚨 I’m seriously conflicted and need advice.

First off, please no hate or shaming on my actions, I’m just looking for advice on how to move forward since I can’t go back and change what happened!

I’ve been seeing this guy whom I’ve known for about 8 years now. We have a past and have recently reconnected about a year and a half ago and started seeing each other about 6 months ago.

Anyway, we always have some great sex and stopped using condoms a while ago (I know, stupid. Lesson learned) because he wasn’t able to cum with a condom so now he always pulls out.... well last night we were having sex and he asked me if I wanted him to cum inside me. This threw me off guard because he knows that’s not an option since I’m not on birth control. I paused before I answered because I was so caught off guard and then said “no, you’ve got to pull out”. So he kept going and about five minutes later he says he wants to cum again... now I’m like “what do you mean again? You already came?” The mother fucker came inside me without my consent. Needless to say, I WON’T be seeing him again. I thought I could trust him, but clearly not. So I stopped enjoying the moment and stopped fucking back (for lack of a better way to put it) and he’s all surprised that I’m upset and says “are you really that mad about it?” And I told him “yes, wtf I told you no” and then he tells me he wants to keep going so I just lay there and let him and he pulls out that time and I just get up and go to the bathroom to wipe off. I didn’t get any sleep last night. This morning I told him we better get plan b then he proceeds to tell me not to worry and that he can’t have anymore kids (he’s already got a son) because a year ago he got kicked in the balls so hard that he had to go to the ER and he says they told him he wouldn’t be able to have kids again.

So I just don’t know what to believe right now because a) why would he not have mentioned that he’s infertile before? B) he tried to lie about it this morning and said he did pull out and only admitted to what he’d done after I told him I remember the night crystal clear and wasn’t THAT intoxicated (yes, we had been drinking) and c) I get the feeling that he wants to get me pregnant to make me stuck with him.

So now I’m wondering if I should get plan b. I’m typically against hormones as they fuck with me emotionally and I know I’ll be an emotional wreck for a month if I take it. To top it all off, I had a temp dip yesterday indicating that I likely ovulated so plan b wouldn’t be able to stop that from happening so I’m just not sure what to do or if taking plan b would be effective at all at this point.

🙏🙏🙏UPDATE: thanks ladies, sometimes I just need to hear it from someone else. He’s a dirt bag. Plan b it is. Pray/send vibes for me please. I seriously do not want his child, especially after the shit he pulled last night. I had feelings for him before, but the more this situation sinks in, the angrier I am getting and the more disgusted I am by him. Ugh, I might vomit 🤢.