First baby


Hey ladies:)

So here’s a short version of my story, I was induced at 37 weeks due to preeclampsia. I ended up having a c section for failure to progress. During the c section they eran into some issues, they missed some of the placenta and had to do a full D&C and then they found 2 tears in my cervix. I lost a lottt of blood and had to have 3 units of blood transfusions.

I barely saw my baby I saw him for a little bit laying next to my face during the c section. But once those problems started happening with me they took him to the nursery. I was waiting ALL day just to hold him and see him and bond I was crying for him all day.

I finally get him and they tell me his blood sugar was low. Ok I’m a first time mom so I don’t really know what to do with this info except to just watch him closely. Well I did some skin to skin and was trying to nurse but he was having issues. You could tell he wanted to latch, he wanted to drink but it’s like he couldn’t breathe. I called his nurse and asked her to check his blood sugar and I guess it was lower than it was last time and also she noticed he was breathing way to fast so she took him back to the nursery.

Of course I start freaking out cuz I knew something was wrong and I felt like they didn’t want to scare me by saying anything. Well the nurse came back and told him he was brought to the NICU. I started crying hysterically. His doctor from the NICU called me a little bit later and told me he still had some amniotic fluis in his lungs which I guess is common in c section babies, and I guess his blood sugar has been low probably cuz he was a big baby for his gestational age.

I saw him first thing in the morning around 6am and he had already improved so much! His breathing was closer to normal and his blood sugar is still low, but it’s not fuctuating as bad as yesterday. He has been making improvements all day, I’m so proud of my little boy for being so strong💕

I guess I’m just saying has anyone else had these issues with their child? I hate not having him with me, but his nurses have been Ángels. Just looking for some encouragement and some successful NICU stories, as I’m super worried 😟 so thank you in advance my loves!!!!!