

Hi I am looking for some advice.

I am currently pregnant with my second baby, I would love to breastfeed with her but I already have a 2 year old and my partner works away.

The reason I doubt it is because my little boy used to cluster feed for hours at a time; that some nights when I was on my own I had digestives for dinner (which wasn’t a problem because it was just us)

I have thought about combi feeding, so that at least when my partner was home I could have time with my son and bulk cook and do that sort of stuff 😂

But I also can’t decide whether I would formula or pump.

I feel like I’d have to pump anyway but how often to keep a good supply for when she latched.

My little boy was only ever fed by boob so I never needed to worry about the other bits and bobs.

Thank you for any help ❤️