Frustrated new mom...


I have larger breasts and large areolas- I’m waiting on a lactation consultant to call back to see someone 1:1 but I’m afraid I’m ruining my milk supply in the meantime.

My milk supply is just coming in (day 4 postpartum). My baby had a hard time latching due to areola size and shape so I pump and bottle feed.

Are you breasts supposed to feel extremely full, sore to the touch and almost tight- even after pumping?

Is the entire areola supposed to be covered by the pump shield? Based off of videos it seems that the 30mm shield is the right fit. I get about 1-1.5 oz per pump session between the two breasts.

Thanks! My main concern is if I’m supposed to feel this full and tight or if it’s just because my milk just came in ? What’s normal?