Dairy/soy allergy??


Just wondering if any other mum’s out there have had any experience with this?

My little girl was born 8 weeks premature. She is now 5 months (3 months corrected) A month ago she had some blood in her stool and the doctors believe it’s a dairy/soy allergy, however she has no other symptoms. Every now and then when she passes a decent amount of blood she cries in pain until she is finished, then is back to her regular happy self. She pushes quite hard when pooping even though her stools are very runny (breastfed Bub) I have recently noticed a slight prolapse as she’s pushing but it disappears once she stops (doctors are aware and have seen photos)

I have cut all dairy and soy out of my diet for 4 weeks now and there has been no improvement. I was originally told to give it 4 weeks and if no improvement then go to emergency. So we did. Then the doctors in emergency have said to wait until 6 weeks. They have done no tests other than a physical examination. I’m questioning if it’s even an allergy.

Just looking for others who have bubs with allergies.

How was it diagnosed?

What were the symptoms?