Feeling pretty empowered by birthing classes


I wasn’t sure if I wanted to spend the money on birthing classes before we started them, but now I’m so glad we did.

I was terrified of labor as a FTM and had no clue what to expect but I did know I’ve had friends with horror stories of having inductions and pitocin pushed on them or having unnecessary C sections...all of which I want to avoid unless mine and the baby’s lives literally depended on it.

We decided on Bradley Method classes and they are awesome. I’m learning tons about labor I didn’t know along with optimal birthing positions, my rights as a patient, exercises that will prepare my body and relaxation techniques to handle contractions and minimize unnecessary pain. My husband is learning how to coach me through labor and advocate for what I want in the delivery room.

I seriously feel so empowered to be prepared for delivering this baby. I know it won’t be easy but it’s so nice to have a support system and a game plan so I’m not just afraid of the unknown with no idea how to help myself. This is the first time I’ve ever actually thought about labor and looked forward to the process and it’s such a good feeling.